Give-a-Little to Tasman Bay Little Penguins
The Tasman Bay Blue Penguin Trust has (finally!) created a Givealittle page to make it easier for penguin supporters to donate to the Trust’s conservation activities.
The current fundraising focus is an upgrade of the rehab clinic so that the increasing number of penguins needing rehabilitation can more easily be accommodated. The penguin therapy pool recently received a new lining thanks funding by the Department of Conservation.
Next is new floor covering that is penguin-friendly on little feet and new window blinds to help keep the clinic cooler during the warm summer months. Penguins are used to cooler conditions at sea so find it difficult being on land wearing the equivalent of a wet suit!
If you would like to donate please go to
Your donation is important and so much appreciated. Thank you!
Checking out the exercise pool!
The official DOC threat classification of little penguins/korora is “at risk, declining”.