Yellow Signs for Little Blues
We’ve got brand new penguin-y road signs!
As part of the Martin Farm Road shared footpath upgrade, Tasman District Council approved the installation of penguin-awareness road signs to encourage motorists to slow down and watch out for our little blues.
Penguins often need to cross the road to get from the beach to their burrow, putting them in the firing line of getting run over. Let’s face it, we don’t expect to see a penguin on the road and, sadly, road-strikes happen.
Penguins are most likely to be crossing the road when they come in from the sea after dusk, or returning before dawn. Please slow down and keep your eyes peeled in your headlights. If you encounter a little blue, please slow down or stop and give way to the penguin.
These are the first of several signs to be installed around our local beaches to raise awareness that we share our beautiful beach habitat with little penguins - the smallest penguin in the world! Their DOC conservation status is at risk/declining so everything we can do to make their lives safer on shore, the better. And that includes watching out for them on our local roads.
The Downers crew did a fab job of the installation. Thanks team!
Look out for little blues crossing the road, especially at night.